Empower my brand
Empower my brand
I need to speak with a human

Hello Curious. You’d get answers to all your questions here!


What are the data sources I’d be able to listen into?+
Does the data flow in real time?+
What if we have proprietary sources of data?+
Why do I need to authenticate facebook and/or twitter?+
Can I tune into data beyond my own brand?+
My chatter is not in English. Can I still get the data and analysis?+
Can I restrict the chatter to my region?+
What insights do you provide beyond sentiment?+
I work for an industry which is not there in your listing?+
I need data to be characterized in a manner different than how its provided by Auris?+
I need to filter the data based on my own set of keywords. Can I do that?+
I need to identify influencers who are actively talking about my brand or topics of interest.+
I need to understand the root cause of issues around my brand?+
I need to download the raw data. Can I do that?+
Can I reply to consumers?+
I don’t agree with Auris’ classification. Can I modify?+
I need to escalate an issue that I just identified. How can I?+
Can I connect this to my CRM?+
I prefer a different form of visualization. Can I use Tableau?+
What kind of reports do you have?+
I’ve run out of mentions volume. Now what?+
How can I cancel my subscription?+
I need to speak with a human