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Empower my brand

How to Track Branded Keywords?

In the world of social media, every user is online sharing their experiences. Your customers too are talking about their experiences. How your customers discuss your product or service online leaves a great impact on your business. It is critical to track branded keywords to understand the context in which your brand is being discussed online. 

How to track Branded Keywords

Most brands, these days, use social listening or have a regular Google check to keep up with the conversations. However, most of them are not receiving much value out of it! Tracking branded keywords brings in a sea of information most of which is noise. Filtering out valuable insights is a form of art. But it is not entirely difficult. With the help of these tricks, you’ll be able to derive the most out of online consumer insights. 

Tracking Branded Keywords

For most marketers, the objective is to find out more about the brand’s position in the market. Tracking branded keywords can help with this and a lot of other metrics like competitive benchmarking, sentiment analysis et cetera. 

Some of the proper ways to track branded keywords are:

Using Google

If your main focus is finding brand mentions on search engines, Google offers powerful solutions. Simply login to Google’s tool – Google Alerts! Set it up for your brand name and it will religiously track down all mentions of your brand across blogs and other articles. 

You can also use Google Analytics to see how queries related to your branded keyword are leading people to visit your website. 

Twitter/Instagram/Facebook Analytics

Managing your brand reputation online also means being aware of your social media reputation. One of the most common ways to check your social media performance is to opt for the platform’s native analytics. 

These tools are perfect for a quick look at the metrics. They tell you about your brand’s engagement rates, basic audience demographics, and even the time of the day/week at which your posts have the maximum engagement. This is all useful information when you’re trying to judge when to post your content or which audience to target. 

Social Listening – The Best Way to Track Branded Keywords

Think of your branded keywords and all the words or phrases related to them. Now imagine how wonderful it would be to have one tool tracking all these keywords at the same time. The tool also goes beyond basic metrics and analyzes the data for you. Does this sound like it would make life easier for you? Social listening tools do exactly what I just mentioned and more. 

You can use social listening to track branded keywords or campaigns or trending hashtags – anything you like. And the features don’t stop at this. 

Social listening helps you:

In addition, Auris presents customizable reports to help brand marketers receive timely updates about actionable insights. Head over to our previous blog posts if any of these use cases particularly interest you. 

Why are Branded Keywords Important?

The secret to the success of every brand marketer/content strategist is branded keywords. Branded keywords are also one of the best bets for an SEO win for any company. These  keywords offer valuable insights like:

  • How many people know about your brand?
  • What is your audience talking about you?
  • Your Top Competitors, and so on…

And chances are, you already know about monitoring branded keywords. However, for most of us, the concept of monitoring our brand is limited to looking for comments mentioning “@ourbrandname”. But that’s not always enough. Sometimes people forget to attach the official handle when talking about your brand. Or they might make a mistake while typing your brand’s name and so on. In such cases, you will miss out on these conversations if you’re only relying on app notifications. And missing out on such conversations can mean missing out on a wealth of information. 

Branded Keywords

What are Branded Keywords?

Technically, a query that includes your brand name or variations of it is called a branded keyword. For instance, Apple, iPhone, iPad, are all brand keywords associated with each other. 

Sometimes, however, branded keywords can be deceptive. Apple itself is a classic example. Without any context, it is difficult to know if a user is talking about the fruit or the brand! This is where we start talking about the role of social listening in analyzing online chatter to better understand your brand’s performance. 

Why are Branded Keywords Important?

The answer to this question seems like a no-brainer. Every business owner, every person, in fact, wants to know what others think of them or their brand. Marketers, however, worry about SEO and SERP when they think of brand performance. Branded keywords often aren’t the first metric marketers think of. But they should. Here’s why:

  • Direct access to more meaningful conversations. People are overwhelmingly invested in social media these days. Naturally, they share each experience with friends and family over social media. Filtering relevant data from here can offer a world of insights for companies. 
  • Monitoring branded keywords help you to listen to every conversation around your brand whether or not the user tags your brand’s official handle. And when you listen to every customer/lead and take the appropriate action, you make them feel valued. This helps you build a healthy relationship with the customer. 
  • Brand-related keywords also are a powerful tool to spy on your competitors. Monitoring the chatter around the keyword – [‘your brand name’ competitors] or [‘your brand name’ alternatives] can highlight what your competitors are up to. 
  • Most importantly, branded keywords inform you about your customers’ sentiments. Measuring your brand’s share of voice and customer sentiment are two critical steps. Measuring the brand’s share of voice lets you know how many people are talking about you. While listening to customer sentiments tells you how they feel about your brand. What do they like, and what do they not like? These insights further help you to improve customer service or your products or whatever is the pain point. 

Trying to get a comprehensive hold of your brand’s marketing and operations? Tracking branded keywords is one of the key steps. Social media intelligence tools like Auris can help you through the entire process. Want to experience the tool? Take it for a trial run!

How Social Media Analytics Helps the Airline Industry?

With travel resuming moderately after the pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns, flights are finally taking off. Now is when the airline industry needs to be in touch with its customers more than ever. The SimpliFlying Airlines Social Media Outlook Survey reported that 87% of airline executives wish to use social media analytics to develop consumer insights. Airline companies receive millions of mentions each day. These range from travelers posting pictures of clouds outside their window to angry customers complaining about the service. Social media analytics helps the airline industry cut through the noise to gain real-time insights. 

How Social Media Analytics Helps the Airline Industry

Social Media Analytics for the Airlines Industry

One of the major worries for any marketer is how to create a strong brand voice? This becomes more challenging for any airline to promote its unique niche among customers. To tackle this, marketers should first be asking another question. Which airlines are people and potential customers talking about? This is just the beginning of social media analytics. This gives you some insight into the biggest players from the industry, their strengths, and weaknesses. 

When we looked into the discussion online around airline brands, U.S airlines were the ones most discussed. Most of the mentions, however, were negative. People were complaining about delayed flights, missing baggage et cetera. Winning a battle against your top competitor while providing the best customer service can be challenging. Social media analytics specializes in making the job easier!

Why does the Airline Industry need Social Media Analytics? 

Like every other industry, the airline industry too needs a loyal customer base and a strong online reputation. But managing a business while keeping up with the constant online chatter and trends can be tricky. Not to mention that social media analytics helps in different aspects throughout the whole business. 

Real-time Feedback 

Airports are a busy place and each airline company has multiple flights landing and taking off every hour. Amidst all of this, there is a lot of scope for disruptions. There might be flight delays, change in boarding schedules, an IT system failure, etc. All these can cause disruptions which affect the service to passengers. 

While the ground force manages the situation, social media analytics can help alert the management. Passengers are constantly online and talking about their experiences. A quick alert can help the team identify any chaotic scenario. Social data also helps the team analyze the information and dive into action with an emergency response arrangement. This is exactly how Southwest Airlines used its social listening command center to overcome a crisis situation and deliver excellent customer service. 

Spotting Trends

The airline industry witnesses patterns and trends. There are times when people are in a festive mood and travel a lot and then there are times like these when everyone is locked up. Seeing the trends is one huge advantage that comes with social media analytics. 

For instance, looking at the current scenario and while listening to the chatter online we saw a lot of concern among passengers with regard to the safety measures. In response to this, Delta Airlines has been occasionally communicating with its customers regarding its safety protocols. The brand’s content is relevant and is exactly what people want to know. And since they are talking about the trending subject, they enjoy increased visibility. 

Delta's communication

Competitive Analysis 

The airline industry has recently been through a major slump in sales. And now that the fleet is back up in the air, every airline company is trying to get their audience’s attention. Every airline company has a strategy to bounce back into the business. 

Social media analytics helps identify competitors and track their activities. You can set up a competitive benchmark to measure your performance in the market. Keeping close tabs on your competitors also allows you to find out any gaps in the market. For an airline company, it can range from providing excellent onboard services to adding a flight route!

Handling a Crisis or Negative Feedback

Of all the chatter around the airline industry, a predominant portion is negative. People have complained about poor service quality, boarding facilities et cetera. In today’s digital age, one negative comment can cause a ripple effect. This in turn can cause considerable damage to your business. 

One example from the recent situation shows how one negative feedback can cause an explosive reaction on social media if not handled urgently. American political journalist – David Corn recently spoke about his experience with United Airlines on Twitter. He reported that the airline company was being negligent about safety protocols. He had spotted two passengers traveling without masks and the airline company did not take any action. These tweets got retweeted over 5000 times and attracted thousands of likes and comments from other angry customers. 

United Airlines David Corn

United Airlines David Corn Tweet




In this scenario, the onboard flight attendants had to be careful and enforce their own rule about the mandatory wearing of masks by the passengers. The next best thing that the airline company could do was issue a public apology instantly and get into action to reduce the damage. This immediate action would have been possible with effective social listening and analytics. 

Social media has made the world more connected than ever. Customers and companies have come closer. Every company has been making use of this platform to stay relevant, to stay connected, and offer maximum value. Customers expect the same from the airline industry. Forwarding a Twitter update about a delayed flight or upgraded safety measures goes a long way to build a trusting relationship with your customer. And social media analytics helps the airline industry focus on every important consumer insight in the most effective way possible.

How to Develop Actionable Consumer Insights?

Advances in data science techniques are helping marketers get consumer insights and actionable results. However, the process might sometimes seem very mind-boggling. Every marketer, every brand manager is spending time in trying to predict consumer behavior. Yet, as per Google, less than 40% of marketers are using consumer insights to drive decisions. One of the major reasons for this is that the process of collecting data and processing it to develop actionable consumer insights is not easy. 

How to Develop Consumer Insights

Use of Actionable Consumer Insights

Data is a precious commodity but managing the vast amount of data is quite some task. Walmart generates over 2.5 petabytes of data in an hour. The real merit lies in making sense of the data available. 

It’s clear by now, that trying to monitor the vast amount of data manually is impossible. But with the right tools working for you, you will be able to generate meaningful insights round the clock. Once you delve into actionable consumer insights, it helps you develop and strategize better for  your business: 

  • Which marketing channels are the most profitable?
  • What bottlenecks are holding the business back?
  • What do people like/dislike about your brand/product?
  • Which are the areas where you need to improve?
  • Which product/service is the highest selling and creates a positive buzz? 

Think about it, if you were to get the exact answers to these questions, you’d be able to make informed decisions. This is how powerful the use of consumer insights can be. 

Developing Insights

The use of consumer data enables you to make intelligent decisions. But, how are we to develop these consumer insights? There are the traditional methods obviously but those require a huge investment both in terms of time and manpower. To turn data into insights fast, here are two ways:

Social Listening

Social listening tools are built to define the data. The tool makes the entire process automated. From collecting data to organizing it and analyzing it, the tool comes with an in-built framework. Just feed in the keywords and let it do the work. Social listening tools can pull data from a global or a local stream and filter out the noise. 

Once the data is organized, you are to view the report on a real-time basis. The tool presents the data in an easy-to-understand way via graphical visualizations. These tools also allow you to delve deeper into the qualitative data – read into consumer behavior and patterns. 

Google Tools

Google Trends coupled with Google Analytics also acts as a good free tool for basic market research and analysis. You’ll be able to track trending keywords and place your decisions/campaigns around them. 

Guesswork is not the solution if you are asking “How to develop actionable consumer insights?” In the modern-day of constant social media interactions, what your consumers want is no more a mystery. If you are looking for better promotion tactics, R&D concepts, or even content ideas, your audience is your greatest asset. We, at Auris, help you tap into the goldmine that is social data. 

Are Consumer Insights Legit?

Monitoring Consumer insights is nothing more than knowing what your consumer needs. Knowing the customer forms the basis for any business strategy. And it should be part of any ongoing business strategy. Running a successful business comes from having a loyal and strong customer base. Building that customer base requires forming long-lasting relationships. And consumer insights help you dive deeper into the psyche of your audience and judge what motivates them. Despite all of this, one of the most asked questions among users remains “Are consumer insights legit?” The answer is – actionable insights are legitimate and help your business grow. 

Are Consumer Insights legit

What are Consumer Insights? 

Before we delve into the legitimacy of consumer insights here’s a look at the concept from a distance. What are consumer insights? These are conclusions drawn from the opinions of your customers. Insights derived from social media comments and mentions tell you a lot about your customer’s behavior:

  • Why do they buy/don’t buy your product? 
  • What product features do they like/dislike? 
  • Do they plan on coming back for a purchase again?
  • How likely are they to recommend your product to someone else? And so on…

Imagine having a definite answer to all these questions! It is a goldmine of valuable information. 

The Difference Between Consumer Insights and Market Research 

In the previous articles on our blog, we spoke extensively about how consumer insights drive market research. Market research is about gathering information about the market. It involves reports and statistics revolving around market sizes, competitors, and customers. Market research tells you more about the quantitative side. 

Market research tells you if your competitor has a higher market share. Consumer insights on the other hand dive deeper. Consumer insights will help you understand why your competitors have a larger market share. What do customers like about them that your brand might be lacking in! 

In simpler words, market research tells you what is happening while consumer insights put the why in perspective. 

How does it Help you?

From the previous section, you know consumer insights complement market research. And social marketing intelligence tools like social listening can help you use these insights to amplify your marketing efforts. Before you get started with consumer insights here’s a quick look at what you can achieve with its help:

  • Helps you analyze your target audience
  • It helps you create a personalized customer experience
  • Helps you identify areas of improvement for your business

Analyze your Target Audience

Like we mentioned earlier, knowing your customer is the basis of any business. And listening to what people are saying on online platforms like social media and discussion forums gives you genuine information.

Moreover, knowing the wants and needs of your target audience helps you with all the further processes. When you know what they like, you can successfully design an experience based on their preferences. This in turn makes them loyal to your brand and spread positive word of mouth. Investing in knowing your audience could go a long way in bringing you more business. 

Create a Personalized Experience

If you have been using social media marketing and advertising to promote your brand you already know about the tremendous competition. According to Accenture’s study from 2018, “91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands who recognize, remember, and provide them with relevant offers and recommendations.”

Delivering relevant recommendations is a part of personalizing the message you send to your customers. And in order to understand these preferences before you can recommend them, you need customer insights.

Identify Areas of Improvement

Forbes published a story about how Wayfair, an online home-goods retailer, used consumer insights to its advantage. Wayfair conducted consumer research and their analysis showed that they needed to improve their overall customer experience. They developed an app that allowed customers to take pictures of their favorite items and give the information related to it. This allowed Wayfair to take intelligent design changes based on the recommendations. 

As a result of this practice, Wayfair saw a 50% bump in their customer retention rate the year they launched the app. 

If you’re looking to get started with consumer insights, make sure to establish your goals first. Consequently identify your resources like where you will acquire your data, what metrics you will set up, and so on. Once you have the data, use it to process strategies and decisions. If you require help with the data collection and analysis, social media intelligence tools are always available!