Empower my brand
Empower my brand

Social media is the world’s busiest place right now and makes the task of capturing customer attention increasingly competitive. There is a fight between brands to gain a small share of visibility and attention. Especially when there are over 52 million photos being shared on Instagram alone each day. Millions of Tweets are going out each second. And your posts are getting lost within seconds, hence the decreased reach. The challenge of increasing the Share of Voice on social media is real and increasing by the day. 

Increase your Share of Voice on Social Media

What is Share of Voice?

The definition of Share of Voice is quite simple. You may actually know what it is, without knowing the exact term. Traditionally Share of Voice, as a term was used in reference to paid advertisements. But over time, it has evolved and now refers to your brand’s Share of Voice when compared to that of your competitors in the online world. Meaning, the amount of mentions your brand receives online versus the number of mentions your competitor receives. If your share is larger than your competitors’, it shows that consumers are more aware of your brand than any other. This is the dream of every digital marketer, for his/her company. So how do you get there?

How to Increase Your Share of Voice on Social Media?

A large Share of Voice is desirable but many have a hard time getting there. Here are some methods which, if followed consistently, can help you improve your Share of Voice on social media.

1. High-Quality Content

Nothing beats high-quality content which has the potential to go viral. Even if you’re not expecting it to go viral, quality content can grab attention and get people talking. Share content across all social media platforms that you’re on. Share visuals, videos, or even a small text but include a call-to-action. 

If you are running a campaign, plan your content calendar ahead of the launch date. Get all your material pre-approved and make the process smooth. This aids a smooth transition for further steps like measuring results and planning future campaigns. 

2. Be Active and Consistent

Being active and consistent is key to improving your Share of Voice. As we all know, when you are out of sight, you are out of mind. On social media, with millions of posts coming in every second, it’s your posts that can easily get out of sight. To cut through the noise, being active across your social media platforms is imperative. If you find it difficult to brainstorm about daily posts, plan a content calendar in advance and schedule your posts. 

3. Engage with the Audience Members

Another foolproof way to grab and retain audience attention is to engage with the audience. Being active doesn’t mean only posting content daily. Social media isn’t just a content distribution channel. Your content may get lost despite all your efforts, however, if you interact one on one and focus on building lasting relationships, consumers will remember that. In fact, 72% of consumers expect a brand to respond within one hour of posting a complaint on Twitter. 

4. Listen to Your Consumers and Lead the Conversation

You would notice that social listening is an essential part of all the steps mentioned above. You need to know your audience well to be able to produce quality content. Try to know their interests if you wish to engage with them. You have to know the leading and trending topics to create your content calendar and be active. Listening to and responding to the needs and wants of your audience is a sure way to increase your Share of Voice on social media. 

Once you know the interests and expectations of your audience, do not hesitate to participate in existing conversations or even start new ones. Encourage your consumers to post reviews for your products and services. Share the stories on your social media platform. If your consumer posts a negative review, reach out to them and try to understand the pain point. Re-evaluate the situation after you have extended help. Share the story of how you reached out and helped a consumer. Build a community around your brand and keep it thriving. 

If you are starting to build a strong Share of Voice for your brand, start with these simple steps. Before you start, measure your current Share of Voice. It will be easier to track your progress. Remember, increasing your Share of Voice on social media takes some time and consistency.